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Litigation and Regulatory Support

Through my technical and public communication experience I have also attained the skills necessary to support environmental and remediation-related legal actions.  I am currently involved in projects where I am serving as an expert witness, and have provided expert guidance and support to attorneys involved in various types of litigation or negotiations.   

I have performed technical report reviews, investigated private residences and commercial buildings, and evaluated remedial costs on behalf of both the plaintiff and defendant in support of various types of legal actions.  I have also worked closely with attorneys on many projects to ensure various aspects of the project were completed in compliance with the applicable regulations.  I have also completed many projects that were at the forefront of emerging regulatory programs, some of which shaped the final regulatory requirements.  

I also have significant experience estimating remedial costs for both immediate and net present worth scenarios.  Net present worth evaluations are used to calculate the current value of work that will be performed at a future date, assuming a fixed interest rate and a future spending schedule.  I have supported large industrial clients in setting reserves in compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) and have successfully supported attorneys negotiating Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 Bankruptcy settlements for environmental remedial programs stretching 30 years into the future.  

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